The State of Non-Native Apps

AppStories Episode 12 — The State of Non-Native Apps
Ten years after Scott Forstall suggested web apps as a ‘sweet solution’ for would-be iPhone developers, Federico and John look at the state of non-native apps, the trade-offs inherent to them, and discuss examples of non-native apps they like, and a few they don’t.
This episode is sponsored by:
- FlightLogger - Elegantly-designed, real-time flight tracking for worry-free travels.
- Deliveries - Simple package tracking that syncs everywhere.
- Sign up here by Thursday, July 6, 2017 at 9 pm New York time for a chance to win one of 10 free copies of Deliveries for iOS.
Links and Show Notes
- If you’re an iOS developer working on an app that includes iOS 11 features, we would love to try it and give you feedback as Federico and the MacStories team prepare to cover iOS 11 this fall. You can contact Federico at, John at, or any of the other MacStories team members about your app.
- Scott Forstall’s ‘Sweet Solution’ for developing for the iPhone (WWDC Keynote, 2007)
Apps Discussed
- Slack
- Atom
- GitHub Desktop
- Todoist (iOS)
- Todoist (macOS)
- Toggl (iOS)
- Toggl (macOS)
- Fluid
- Alexa
- Google Docs
- Gmail
- Inbox
- Product Hunt
- Nuzzel
- Record Bird
- Mailplane
- Kiwi
- (iOS)
- (macOS)
- Trello